Thursday, 24 January 2013

Writing reflection #8

Newspaper blackout poetry
  This was my favorite writing assignment so far. I felt so creative while I was doing these short poems that I wanted to just keep making them. I really like the idea of using someone else’s words to create your own original idea. For me it felt easier to use words that were already there than to start working with a blank page. The problem I came to while writing was that I would have an excellent idea (or so I thought) and just flow with it and then I would go back and realize that it was difficult to make sense of. Eventually after a few revisions it was making a little bit more sense. I wasn't really sure if it was only making sense to me however when I gave it to Sarah she told me it made sense (she could have just been being nice though). I feel like this would be a good way to write a song, I say that because lyrics in songs are often fragmented and have a lot of meaning behind them and I, for one, put a lot of meaning into my newspaper blackout poetry. I found that the content of the article had nothing to do with what I was writing about. While it may have helped to have an article that was written with passion than to have a bland article written with no passion, it didn’t matter if the article I was using was about politics, musicals, movies or music. They all came up totally different than what the article was about.

                To sum up, I loved this project. I had difficulty with it because I was going too fast while I was writing it but once I slowed down and reviewed it, it all came together.

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