I think writing my twitter fiction went pretty well. At
first it was a struggle getting the hang of writing micro-form but eventually I
found a way that worked for me to do it. I found success when I started liking
what I was writing. To start I found writing about people I love (friends and
family) and worked my way up from there, writing about people I knew put
purpose into my writing and the purpose made me enjoy what I was writing.
Frustrations came when my inspiration dwindled and I hit a writer’s block, I
was having a really tough time coming up with more single tweet stories this is
when I realized that I should probably try doing at least one extended story.
This worked really well for me and I surpassed my writer’s block. I learned
that I have a hard time expanding into new forms of writing but once I get the
hang of it I do enjoy it. I think that I may even continue writing twitter
fiction, maybe not publishing it but keeping a journal or something. I was a
little self-conscious writing and publishing my twitter fiction on the internet
where everyone could see it, however, I got great response from others in the
class which encouraged me and made me excited to post more!
I chose to read the Sasquatch twitter fiction! It was awesome;
it was in a way making fun of the new teen obsession with paranormal love
stories. Making light of the fact that Sasquatches are probably the least
attractive paranormal being but also convincing the audience that they can also
be loving creatures! It was excellent; I looked forward to the new chapter each
day. It was nice being able to read different forms of writing in Thursday’s class,
as of late I had felt a little restricted to books. Now however I have had my
break from books and would be happy reading either (book or internet)! I was
surprised while reading the twitter fiction how much I enjoyed having to wait
to read the rest of the book. When I am really into a book I can’t put it down
and read it all the way through, this way it forces me to take my time and
savour each chapter. Sometimes even re reading them just so that I was sure I
knew every detail before I read the next chapter. I really loved this part of
twitter fiction!
This assignment didn’t so much change my perspective as gave
me one. I did not have a twitter account before this and so I got to experience
it for the first time. I would say that before I had an account I thought twitter
was mainly for celebrity’s, drunk teenagers looking for attention and other
random people. I can now say it is much more than that, I think twitter can be
whatever you need it to be, a way to connect or publish. It is a great way for
people who normally wouldn’t get a voice to give their input in books or TV
shows etc… I think that as a class we could use twitter to recommend/discuss
books with each other and even as an extension of our blogs. For example if you
want a specific person to check out your blog, tweet them!
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