Monday, 19 November 2012

Writing reflection #9

I have completed about seventeen tweets out of 30. I have chosen to write the short short stories and not the extended twitter fiction. I selected this style of writing because I feel it is more complete. I am not a huge fan of things that don’t flow and to me the extended twitter fiction does not flow right. It’s choppy and inconsistent. I am finding it very hard to create a good story using only 140 characters or less, it’s hard for me to even think of one story not to mention 30 little ones. I am thinking of doing some extended tweets only consisting of three tweets, one for introduction, one for climax, and one for resolve. I am considering this because it is hard to create a complete story that I am sure that everyone will comprehend. What I mean by that is, I am trying to use creative and clever ways to create a complete story but I am not sure if other people will read them and understand all of the words that were left unsaid. So far in my list of to-do’s I have over half of the required tweets, I have included all of the dialogue needed and I have some pretty good ideas of what I want for visuals. I think I need to work on the V/A/S/K part of the to-do list. I am having lots of trouble with the character development also. I can’t figure out how to develop a character in 140 characters. It doesn’t seem possible to do it in the style of twitter fiction I chose to do. It’s a toss-up, do I focus on the story development or the character development. This will have to be an area I focus on if I do a three tweet series. I feel this project is more catered to the longer series of tweets than to individual tweets. 

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